A visit with the Air Force and Legislators as Part of the Glendale Chamber and City of Glendale Visit to Washington, DC.

Last week (March 11-15, 2019), I was in Washington, D.C. as part of the City of Glendale and Glendale Chamber of Commerce contingent representing business and the city to our elected officials.

It was quite an honor and I am thankful to have had the opportunity. The City and Chamber were interested in firming up relationships with our federal officials and letting them know we support Luke Air Force Base and its mission. In addition, the City spoke to elected officials about Community Block Grant Funding and the needs it serves, infrastructure needs and other concerns of the City and business.

I was able to add information concerning Opportunity Zones and the lack of rules being published by Treasury, as well as ask about Flood Insurance extension (there is none currently), and other business and real estate concerns.

The podcast this week is a quick update of our very busy first day in Washington, D.C.