COVID-19 Vaccines in Arizona – Priorities and Locations

Image courtesy CDC

It has become very confusing trying to figure out if you or a loved one can get a COVID-19 vaccine. Who qualifies and where to go are on-going questions.

Az DOH Priority
Maricopa County priority
Pinal County Priority

Part of the confusion stems from people not realizing there are different rules for vaccination depending on whether the vaccine is distributed through a contract with the Arizona State Department of Health (ADOH) or through a County. For example, some Counties are vaccinating those 75+yrs and Counties have different professions in their Phase 1A and Phase 1B groups. General prioritization guidelines are outlined by the CDC.

Here are some helpful links:
CDC How the CDC makes vaccine recommendations
CDC vaccine recommendations
CDC vaccine data
Gov. Ducey Executive Order – COVID Vaccinations
Santa Cruz County
Cochise County
Maricopa County
Pinal County
ADOH Vaccine Priority
Registering for vaccination
AZ Patient Portal
Vaccine Locations – Interactive State wide map
Maricopa County 2nd Dose Update