DOJ Withdrawal from NAR/DOJ November 2020 Agreement – An Update

National Association of REALTORS®

On July 8, 2021, NAR released a video with their statement regarding the Department of Justice dismissal of the voluntary settlement agreed to in November 2020 between NAR and DOJ. What was stunning was the DOJ dismissing the agreement, without letting NAR know ahead of time, even though NAR had abided by the agreement as approved by the head of the Antitrust Division of the DOJ.

You can watch the video NAR produced in answer to the DOJ. Continue to watch the NAR website and emails for more updates.

So, why would DOJ take this action? I don’t know, but I think these sentences give us a peek at their thinking:

The department is taking this action to permit a broader investigation of NAR’s rules and conduct to proceed without restriction.

The proposed settlement will not sufficiently protect the Antitrust Division’s ability to pursue future claims against NAR