Peoria – Trying to Figure Out if That Property is in a CFD? Here are the Maps

One of the biggest issues when buying or selling a home or commercial property over the last 15 years is the increasing number of CFDs (community facilities district). Increasingly these special districts are being used to finance all or part of a development. The problem of course is where do you find out if the property you are buying or selling is in a CFD?

Since there is no easily accessible central location for CFDs, the best place to find this information is on the property’s detailed property tax statement.

But sometimes you just want to know if property in an area is in a CFD. Being in a CFD may mean the buyer doesn’t want to live or place their business there.

In Peoria, you can go to their website to find the existing city CFDs, their maps, the tax levy and other reports. So next time you have a listing in Peoria or have a buyer wishing to purchase in Peoria, have them check out this important information.

Currently there are four CFDs in Peoria: Vistancia, Vistancia West, Vistancia North and Mystic at Lake Pleasant Heights.